Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reflections - June 10, 2012

Reflections - June 10, 2012

    I noticed this reflection on the wall  in my entry way .   You can also see the reflection of the railing .

Three Cool Cats - June 9, 2012

Three Cool Cats - June 9, 2012

    I took this photo in a friends kitchen,  just before we were enjoying these cool drinks.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Memorial Bridge Statue in Washington DC - June 8, 2012

Memorial Bridge Statue in Washington DC - June 8, 2012

    I took this photo while riding in a car  <  not driving>  across the Memorial Bridge in Washington DC.
   The northeastern entrance to the Arlington Memorial Bridge features The Arts of War sculptures, Sacrifice and Valor, which were completed by Leo Friedlander in 1951.

     You can see an airplane in the sky,  getting ready to land at Reagan National Airport.

Northern Virginia Sunrise - June 7, 2012

Northern Virginia Sunrise - June 7, 2012

           I took this photo of the  beautiful sunrise in northern Virginia.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another Four Leaf Clover - June 6, 2012

Another Four Leaf Clover - June 6, 2012

   I found another four leaf clover in my front yard.  I press them and put them between sticky plastic and preserve them. 

Lilies in Side Garden - June 5, 2012

Lilies in Side Garden - June 5, 2012

    The lilies are blooming in my side garden.   They are beautiful this year.

Forget Me Not - Disabled American Veterans - June 4, 2012

Forget Me Not - Disabled American Veterans - June 4, 2012

     I bought this "forget me not" flower from the Disabled American Veterans on Memorial Day.

The White House on Memorial Day - June 3, 2012

The White House on Memorial Day - June 3, 2012

     I took this photo at the White House on Memorial day.  It was a bright , sunny day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Outside of the White House, In Front of the Treasury Building - June 2, 2012

Outside of the White House, In Front of the Treasury Building - June 2, 2012

    This photo was taken outside of the White House , in front of the Treasury Building on Memorial Day.  I was on my way inside the White House for the Memorial day Breakfast.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - With the Host of My Table - Dr. Ashton Carter - June 1, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House- With the Host of My Table - Dr. Ashton Carter - June 1, 2012

    At the Memorial day breakfast at the White House,  each round table of 11 had a host.  The host at my table  <  and sat to my right >  was  Dr. Ashton Carter,  Untied States Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 31, 2012
   The breakfast buffet at the White House was delicious.  Everything looked and tasted great.  <  Yum>

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - Leon Panetta - May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - Leon Panetta - May 30, 2012

      I got to enjoy the memorial day Breakfast at the White House.   We were allowed to bring our cameras and cell phones.  I got to meet and talk to the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta,  and have my photo taken  with my camera. 

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 29, 2012

       Here is another photo that I took on Memorial Day at the White House at the Memorial Day Breakfast. I was there with a small Gold Star Wives group .

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House - May 28, 2012

      I was invited to the Memorial Day Breakfast at the White House since I belong to Gold Star Wives.   You can see the President and First Lady in the background.  Earlier,  the  White House Photographer took a photo of the President and First lady with each table of guest in a formal photo.  We were each greeted , shook hands and were welcomed by the President  and First lady.  That formal photo will be mailed to me.
     I have many more photos to post each day.  We were allowed to have our cameras and cell phones there,..  The breakfast was delicious.

Rolling Thunder 2012 - May 27, 2012

Rolling Thunder 2012 - May 27, 2012

    Every years I join many friends and new acquaintances on the Prince William Parkway overpass  <  across I -95>  to watch the Rolling Thunder motorcycles come up I-95 to the Pentagon .  They join  thousands of other motorcyclist in the Pentagon parking lot to make the annual ride into Washington DC.  This always takes place the day before Memorial day.  They were about 400,000 motorcycle this year.

Getting Ready to Celebrate Memorial Day - May 26, 2012

Getting Ready to Celebrate Memorial Day - May 26, 2012

    I took this photo on the overpass, across I-95 ,  while waiting for the Rolling Thunder motorcycles to come up I- 95 to the Pentagon.  The sun was shining brightly that morning.

Watermelon - May 25, 2012

Watermelon - May 25, 2012

    There is no better way to start summer than with a cold slice of watermelon.

Summer Delights - May 24, 2012

Summer Delights - May 24, 2012

     I took this photo is a friend's back yard a few days ago.  We were swimming ,  eating and enjoying drinks.

Bunny on Deck - May 23, 2012

Bunny on Deck - May 23, 2012

        I have this resin bunny sitting on a table on my back deck.  I bought him at the dollar store about five years ago.  He is about 6" long.

Pansies on Back Deck - May 22, 2012

Pansies on Back Deck - May 22, 2012

    I have two pots of the most beautiful pansies on my back deck.  I love purple and yellow pansies.

Pink Rose in Side Garden - May 21, 2012

Pink Rose in Side Garden - May 21, 2012

    I have a rose bush in my side garden with tiny pink roses.   This rose bush blooms all summer.  I think I will cut off a blossom tonight and float it in a crystal bowl.

Blue Hyacinth - May 20, 2012

Blue Hyacinth - May 20, 2012

     My pale blue hyacinth are blooming in my front flower garden.  I want to cut a few this eveniong to put in a vase in my living room to enjoy.

Bloody Marys on the Hotel W Terrace in Washington DC - May 19, 2012

Bloody Marys on the Hotel W Terrace in Washington DC - May 19, 2012

     After going on the Spring Garden Tour of the White House gardens  with friends,  we took the elevator up to the terrace of the Hotel  W in downtown Washington DC,  right across from the White House.   We enjoyed appetizers, tea and Bloody Marys.    It was a wonderful day with good friends. You can see a view of  the city from this terrace.

Red Peony in Back Garden - May 18, 2012

Red Peony in Back Garden - May 18, 2012

      This red peony bloomed for the first time in my back garden.  I hope to have a lot more blooms next year.

Lady Bug in Side Garden - May 17, 2012

Lady Bug in Side Garden - May 17, 2012

       When I was looking at the flowers in my side garden,  I spotted this lady bug sitting on a leaf & took this photo.   

Stella D'Oro - May 16, 2012

Stella D'Oro - May 16, 2012

    I took this photo of the stella d'oro blooming in my front garden.  They are a member of the lily family.   I love how they come back every year.

Peony in Back Garden - May 15, 2012

Peony in Back Garden - May 15, 2012

    I was given this peony bush many years ago by a friend.   I divided it into five separate plants.  It looks and smells so beautiful every year.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama Hen and Chicks - May 14, 2012

Mama Hen and Chicks - May 14, 2012

    I took this photo of the  "mama hen and chicks" in one of my front yard flower pots. 

Mother's Day Tulips - May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Tulips - May 13, 2012

       I received these beautiful tulips for mother's day from my son.  I just love them. 

"Game Fish" in the Renwick Gallery in Washington DC - May 12, 2012

"Game Fish"  in the Renwick Gallery in Washington DC - May 12, 2012

     I took this photo of one of my favorite  < permanent>  pieces in the Renwick Gallery in Washington DC.   It is made out of hundreds of toys and game pieces.  The Renwick Gallery is on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 17th Street .   I love this small museum.

Ceiling of the Pentagon City Mall - May 11, 2012

Ceiling of the Pentagon City Mall - May 11, 2012

     I took this photo of the glass ceiling of the Pentagon City Mall,  just outside of Washington DC.  

Front Yard Rhododendron - May 10, 2012

Front Yard Rhododendron - May 10, 2012

   The blossoms on my front yard rhododendron were beautiful this year.

Toad in Side Garden - May 9, 2012

Toad in Side Garden - May 9, 2012 

    I took this photo of a toad in my side garden.   I was ;pulling some weeds and spotted him.

Katalina the Cat - May 8, 2012

Katalina the Cat - May 8, 2012

     When I went around to the back of my house,  the neighbor's cat  <  Katalina>   was sitting on a stump in my yard,  staring at me. 

Irises in Side Garden - May 7, 2012

Irises in Side Garden - May 7, 2012

   The irises in my side garden were beautiful this year.

Virginia Beach, Va. - May 6, 2012

Virginia Beach, Va. - May 6, 2012

    I spent the day at the beach, enjoying the sun and sand with good friends.

Side Yard Flower Garden - May 5, 2012

Side Yard Flower Garden - May 5, 2012

    I love the ever changing flowers blooming in my side flower garden.  This photo was taken when the azaleas were in full bloom.

Celebrating the Kentucky Derby with a Friend - May 4, 2012

Celebrating the Kentucky Derby with a Friend - May 4, 2012

        Since I wasn't going to be in town to watch the Kentucky Derby with friends,  we got together a few days early to celebrate and have a cocktail.

Ceiling in the Elevator of the W Hotel in Downtown Washington DC - May 3, 2012

Ceiling in the Elevator of the W Hotel in Downtown Washington DC - May 3, 2012

    I took this photo of the ceiling in  the elevator of the W Hotel in downtown Washington DC,   while going up to the terrace restaurant with friends.  It was beautiful.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Good Humor Truck Outside of the Smithsonian in Washington DC - May 2, 2012

Good Humor Truck Outside of the Smithsonian in Washington DC - May 2, 2012

    When I was downtown in Washington DC with friends,  we saw this Good Humor truck displayed outside of the Smithsonian Museum.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover - May 1, 2012

I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover - May 1, 2012

     I found a four leaf clover in a  patch of clover in my side yard.  For the next three days,  I found another  4 leaf clover each day.  I now have a total of 4- four leaf clovers.  <grin>

Monday, April 30, 2012

Ceiling Light in the W Hotel In Washington DC - April 30, 2012

Ceiling Light in the W Hotel In Washington DC - April 30, 2012

      I took this photo of one of the ceiling lights in the W Hotel in Washington DC last week.  I was there after the White House Spring Garden Tour with friends.  We were having drinks and appetizers up on the terrace.

At the W Hotel in Downtown Washington DC - April 29, 2012

At the W Hotel in Downtown Washington DC - April 29, 2012

       This photo was taken at the W Hotel in downtown Washington DC.    I was up on the terrace having appetizers and drinks with friends after the White House Spring Garden tour.   You can see a panoramic  view of the city from the terrace

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Katalina the Cat Trying to Get the Frog - April 28, 2012

Katalina the Cat Trying to Get the Frog - April 28, 2012

     I took this photo of my neighbor's cat, who is inside her house trying to get at the frog on the outside of the sliding glass door.

Frog on Back Sliding Door - April 27, 2012

Frog on Back Sliding Door - April 27, 2012

           My neighbor called to say that I needed to come over and bring my camera.  This little frog (  about  1 1/2"  )   was outside on her back sliding glass door.   I took many photos of it.  Her cat was very intrigued.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

White House Kitchen Garden in Washington DC - April 26, 2012

White House Kitchen Garden in Washington DC - April 26, 2012

    I took this photo at the White House on Sunday,  while on the Spring Garden Tour,  of the kitchen garden.   Their vegetables and herbs are growing beautifully.  There was also clusters of lavender growing in this garden

White House Garden Bee Hive - April 25, 2012

White House Garden Bee Hive - April 25, 2012

     This is a photo that I took of the White House bee hive.   They keep their own bees, hive and honey at the White House.

White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 24, 2012

White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 24, 2012

        Here is another view of flowers in the White House garden this past Sunday.  This pansy basket hanging in this tree was beautiful.

White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 23, 2012

White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 23, 2012

         I took this photo of one of the gardens at the White House spring garden tour  this past Sunday.   Since we had such a warm spring,  the tulips and a lot of the other flowers had already bloomed.  It was still beautiful in the gardens.  


At the White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 22, 2012

At the White House Spring Garden Tour in Washington DC - April 22, 2012

        I was able to go to the White House spring garden tour in Washington DC on Sunday with friends.    Even though it was raining,  it was still a wonderful day.   In this photo,  I am standing in front of the oldest tree at the White House.  It is a southern magnolia and was planted by Andrew Jackson in 1830.